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You can’t always get what you want…

But if you try sometimes, you just might find.
You just might find, you get what you need!

The immortal words of Keith Richards & Mick Jagger seem to be the anthem for Halloween 2021.   Massive supply chain breakdowns across the country are causing shortages on everything from groceries to *OH NO!* Halloween props and costumes!  

Have No FEAR!  Beauty and the Beast is Here.   The joy of being a Real Costume shop is that Beauty and the Beast Costumes, Chattanooga is here all year long.  We have been receiving shipments since June.  While a few odds and ends are still missing, we have massive amounts of inventory in stock.  Come on over to Red Bank and check out what Beauty has in store for you.   And while you’re here, check out the progress our handsome, silver haired Beastie has been up to.

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Halloween Kills – And it’s HERE!

Having problems finding great quality masks at reasonable prices?  Look no farther!  All the most sought after collectable masks are right here in Red Bank at Beauty and the Beast Costumes, Chattanooga.  No need to place orders online and hope for the best, just walk in and see how much nicer ours are.   Neat, clean, untouched, and customized at Zero extra expense.

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What’s Happening at Beauty and the Beast Costumes?

Life sure has been interesting, hasn’t it?  Last year, through the Covid quarantine, the B&B family started the ball rolling on some huge renovation projects.  For customers, that meant two completely remodeled rooms.  If you haven’t had a chance to check out the Bargain Boutique and the comfortable new Family style Dressing room area, you need to drop in for a peek.

This year, most of the changes are behind the scenes as we continue to clean out and organize our multiple storage rooms.  How does that affect our clientele?   Hopefully, optimizing our inventory will help the staff locate items and aid customers with easy selection.  This year, Beauty and the Beast Costume staff is lowering prices on over half of our child-sized costumes to help ease anxiety for families on tight budgets.   Plus, we are adding a new set of shelves in the Bargain Boutique to accommodate families and minimize sensory overload for those who occasionally feel overwhelmed.


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Wow! Surprisingly Busy Spring

So great to have so many last-minute fun school projects.  I hope that everyone had as much fun and excitement as we did!   

Curtain call for Shrek the Musical, Jr. performed by the Center for Creative Arts. Most costumes by Beauty and the Beast Costumes, Chattanooga


As everyone tried to fit a year’s worth of events in one month, we at Beauty & the Beast, Chattanooga were happy to lend a hand with several school plays.  The largest production was Shrek, the Musical presented by CCA.  Berean Acadamy finally got the long-awaited Sence and Senceablitlies across the boards.  This year’s Endurance Award has to Mrs. McHenry who directed The Addams’ Family fast on the heels of another Jane Austin period piece at Lake View Fort Oglethorpe.

The cast of Sence and Sensibility at Berean Acadamy. Most costumes by Beauty & the Beast Costumes, Chattanooga


Your humble webmistress and costumer extraordinaire will try to get more photos for you soon.  

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Please Bare with Us

First and foremost – YES we are still open!   Sadly, the quarantine did close a lot of small businesses, but Beauty & the Beast Costumes, Chattanooga is still your one-stop shop for costumes and related items all year long.  Like many households, we have gone through some changes and spent a great deal of time fixing up and cleaning out. 

One of our biggest, and always ongoing projects is to update this website.  In order to bring the website up to date, we started doing an in-depth inventory of all the costumes that we sell last January.   Yeah, well, I got the adult-sized stuff mostly counted and added to the website.  This is when I noticed that a large number of items listed do not have photos available while other items had oversized and poorly cropped images. 

Before I could finish fixing those problems, I got a great big job making costumes for Shrek the Musical, Jr for Chattanooga School for Creative Arts.    I was very excited about the opportunity to make some really fun and pretty costumes.  Mind you, I totally forgot about EASTER and got somewhat behind.  Luckily, the show did get everything they needed and all went well.  Now I have returned to the Website Project and found the “Edit Menu” buttons…   Yeah, that’s not going so well.  So here’s a fabulous video of the new Dragon head I made for Shrek.  Enjoy!

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Spring Cleaning!

With Covid-19 still hanging around, we decided that it’s time to do some SPRING CLEANING at Beauty & the Beast Costumes, Chattanooga.  It started with a deep dive into the back stock rooms which had become cluttered and unorganized during last Summer’s renovations.  Much like cleaning out a home’s cluttered garage, our cache turned up some long forgotten inventory.  After six solid weeks of counting and organizing only Adult sized costumes, it has been determined that a serious purge is required.  Drastic price reductions on a large percentage of our robust variety is currently underway.   Keep checking this website over the Spring & Summer seasons to browse ever expanding variety of closeouts.  

In conjunction with the Great Spring Cleaning Inventory Reduction, we’re also going to be revising the website to make it easier to use on mobile devices.  Please pardon our growing pains.

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Ho Ho Ho! It’s time to get Jolly!

With everything we’ve all been through in 2020, it’s time to start looking forward to Happier Holidays.  While things may look a little different this year, we can still find ways to have fun.  Be sure to book a Santa suit for your favorite Jolly Ole Elf to wear.  Then get creative by finding ways for Santa to visit in the yard or sit in a North Pole set while children stand in front of a pretty fence and take photos at a distance.  

Window Display 2017
Mrs Claus 2017
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We are OPEN for all your costume needs

YES!  We are fully open now on our Extended Hours for October.   We will return to Regular hours November 3rd.
Monday thru Friday 9am-8pm and Saturday 10am-8pm.
Saturday Halloween  10am-7pm
Please wear a proper face covering and respect social distancing as required by Hamilton County.
YES!  You may try on Costumes for Sale or for Rent.
NO!  Thank you for your understanding that due to COVID-19, you may not try on masks this year.  Beauty and the Beast has never allowed customers to try on wigs, tights or socks to assure clean, undamaged products for everyone.
Always closed on Sunday because ‘Beauty’ needs a day off.
We understand that our Extended hours for Halloween may Confuse people – AND the internet – because they change every week. Here is the October Calendar of hours for your convenience.
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Sneak Peeks of the New Bargain Boutique!

Check out the newly stocked Bargain Accessory wall!  It has a little bit of everything including masks, hats, headpieces, make up, wigs and shoe spats.  On the right, you can peek into the new dressing room area. 

Best choice for a center piece is Classic Halo 3 Master Chief.  If you look closely, you’ll even see that his side kicks are looking even better on their new head stands, hand made by “Beast”.

New Peek is the Celebrity side.  Lots of familiar faces are now price reduced by 25% – 50%.

Susan and Jeff Stringer, the OG Beauty and the Beast, have been working hard to bring you the all new Bargain Boutique!  “Beast” has been doing all the heavy lifting tearing out the two dressing rooms that were always just a little less ‘secure’ out of one room and moving them into another.  Both have been painting and decorating.  “Beauty” has been delving into the stock rooms and whipping out the red pen to fill the room with first time discounted items all the way down to as much as 90% off (or “Free to a Good Home”) items.  We think you’re going to love it!

There will be so much more to come, but you’ll have to check back!