YES! We are fully open now on our Extended Hours for October. We will return to Regular hours November 3rd.
Monday thru Friday 9am-8pm and Saturday 10am-8pm.
Saturday Halloween 10am-7pm
Please wear a proper face covering and respect social distancing as required by Hamilton County.
Saturday Halloween 10am-7pm
Please wear a proper face covering and respect social distancing as required by Hamilton County.
YES! You may try on Costumes for Sale or for Rent.
NO! Thank you for your understanding that due to COVID-19, you may not try on masks this year. Beauty and the Beast has never allowed customers to try on wigs, tights or socks to assure clean, undamaged products for everyone.
Always closed on Sunday because ‘Beauty’ needs a day off.
We understand that our Extended hours for Halloween may Confuse people – AND the internet – because they change every week. Here is the October Calendar of hours for your convenience.