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Please Bare with Us

First and foremost – YES we are still open!   Sadly, the quarantine did close a lot of small businesses, but Beauty & the Beast Costumes, Chattanooga is still your one-stop shop for costumes and related items all year long.  Like many households, we have gone through some changes and spent a great deal of time fixing up and cleaning out. 

One of our biggest, and always ongoing projects is to update this website.  In order to bring the website up to date, we started doing an in-depth inventory of all the costumes that we sell last January.   Yeah, well, I got the adult-sized stuff mostly counted and added to the website.  This is when I noticed that a large number of items listed do not have photos available while other items had oversized and poorly cropped images. 

Before I could finish fixing those problems, I got a great big job making costumes for Shrek the Musical, Jr for Chattanooga School for Creative Arts.    I was very excited about the opportunity to make some really fun and pretty costumes.  Mind you, I totally forgot about EASTER and got somewhat behind.  Luckily, the show did get everything they needed and all went well.  Now I have returned to the Website Project and found the “Edit Menu” buttons…   Yeah, that’s not going so well.  So here’s a fabulous video of the new Dragon head I made for Shrek.  Enjoy!